Cynthia Gosselin
This refined painting was created by Beyond the Brushes member, Cynthia Gosselin. Cynthia is one of our lifers, who joined at the beginning of September 2019. She came to the community looking for so much more than she'd previously found, and well, it looks like she found it. But don't take my word for it...
"I love Beyond the Brushes because in 2018, a VERY basic Photoshop painting lesson (not with Beyond the Brushes) left me unfulfilled. I wanted more. I KNEW Beyond the Brushes was what I was looking for, and I joined in 2019. This passionate community has inspired me. I love seeing the work of the other artists and absolutely love the support we receive. I am forever grateful that Beyond the Brushes helps each of us increase our painting knowledge, creativity, and style."
You can learn more about this painting by clicking over to page 25 of the June 2021 edition for the Elevate Your Art magazine!
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