Ella Hudson
This adept painting was created by Beyond the Brushes member, Ella Hudson. She has a BA in English and has studied photography alongside various professionals.
Ella joined Beyond the Brushes at the first registration in September 2019 but didn't get serious about it until that November. She had no painting experience and had just learned about using software to paint at a conference she attended in July 2019.
This painting actually comes from one of Ella's own photos and is the first one she did after gaining comfortability with several brushes. Desiring a photo to practice her sharpening, she decided on this one for an exercise since the end of the snout was a bit out of focus. She was thrilled to have it turn out so well but didn't know what to do with his whiskers.
Ella entered the print into a Portland Camera Club competition and, using the PPA scoring rubric, "Sitting For His Portrait" scored an 81. Something even more interesting? She said, "To my knowledge, this is the first digital painting ever entered in competition at the PCC (founded in 1899)." Wow. I'm glad it was yours. You did an excellent job!
When asked to comment on Beyond the Brushes, Ella stated that she was most impressed by how the program was envisioned and created to be so much more than just videos teaching mechanics and techniques for painting in Photoshop...
"There’s art history, setting goals, color theory, lighting, active video critiques for every piece of work (!!!), seeing others’ work, sharing ideas, art journaling, encouraging each other on our artistic journeys, learning at my own pace…and so much more! You have taken an internet platform and created what is like an art school program for painting in Photoshop. That, in and of itself, is a huge undertaking! I couldn’t be more pleased with the information and guidance I’m receiving from you and the entire community."
Thank you, Ella, for your laudatory comments. Creating Beyond the Brushes was A LOT of work, but it was and is a work of passion. The greatest reward? Seeing artists, such as yourself, grow, blossom, and start bearing the fruit of well-executed and heart-filled artwork. Keep it up.
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