Jana Hoffman
This posh painting was created by Beyond the Brushes member, Jana Hoffman, Dr. med. Jana joined just earlier this year in July 2022, and it has been a choice that has made all the difference...
"I love Beyond the Brushes because it reconnects me to my childhood when I used to find a lot of joy in painting, but over the years, other hobbies and school demanded more time, and it got lost in the process."
You can learn more about this painting by clicking over to page 4 of the December 2022 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine! https://www.elevateyourart.com/elevate-your-art-magazine
You can learn more about this painting by clicking over to page 12 of the Winter 2023 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine! https://www.elevateyourart.com/elevate-your-art-magazine
You can learn more about this painting by clicking over to page 4 of the Fall 2023 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine! https://www.elevateyourart.com/elevate-your-art-magazine
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