Learn from Michelle

Jennifer Okamoto

This stellar painting was created by Beyond the Brushes member, Jennifer Okamoto. Jennifer has been a portrait artist for 15 years but decided to join Beyond the Brushes on the first day the community began. For her, Beyond the Brushes has been the gift that keeps on giving.

Jennifer has dabbled with Corel and Photoshop on her own before, but the class has cleared her vision, renewed her focus, and encouraged her to leave her comfort zone behind. As a photographer by trade, she is accustomed to a defined subject, so loosening brushstrokes and not focusing so much on the details has proven to be a challenge. Jennifer, you are obviously overcoming these obstacles and making strides in your artwork!

Of all of the resources provided to students at Beyond the Brushes, Jennifer made sure to note the personal critiques that have aided in her growth as an artist. She shared...

"I could NOT have done this on my own. I am so grateful to Michelle and the other reviewers for all the time and effort that they put into helping each of us grow. There is nothing else like Beyond the Brushes out there!"

Thank you, Jennifer, for all of your kind words. I think I can speak for all of the reviewers when I say it has been and continues to be an absolute pleasure having you in the community. Keep pushing and growing. Your blossoms are maturing into stunning pieces of artwork!

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