Katie Kinsler
This sororal painting was created by Beyond the Brushes member, Katie Kinsler. Katie joined the community with her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction back in January 2021. Even though she is well-versed in how to instruct, she knew that didn't disqualify her from needing continuing education...
"I love Beyond the Brushes because it has not only given me a new way to express myself, but also the review process gives me the feedback and confidence I need to keep learning."
You can learn more about this painting by clicking over to page 32 of the April 2022 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine! https://www.elevateyourart.com/elevate-your-art-magazine
You can learn more about this painting by clicking over to page 7 of the June 2022 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine! https://www.elevateyourart.com/elevate-your-art-magazine
You can learn more about this painting by looking at the front cover and clicking over to page 3 of the August 2022 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine! https://www.elevateyourart.com/elevate-your-art-magazine
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