Kim Stone
This exceptional painting is sure to catch your eye and reel you in. It was painted by Beyond the Brushes member, Kim Stone. Kim joined the community in December 2019 with no prior digital painting experience. However, she seemed to find her knack for it quickly, especially since she painted this beauty after only 3 months!
While working on this piece, Kim had the pleasure of her subject matter being her son and grandson. As her grandson would say, they were "uptacamp" (too cute 😊). Inspired by a Norman Rockwell scene, she took on the task of painting these two special people, but it didn't come without its struggles.
Simplifying was Kim's most difficult task, pulling from an image with a lot going on in the background, but I would say she tackled that excellently. And now she has a keepsake of this fond memory.
When asked to pick her memory of how Beyond the Brushes has been so far, Kim said...
"Beyond the Brushes is an incredible opportunity to have EVERY image you paint critiqued. The learning is invaluable if you want to push yourself as an artist, whether it be in the digital painting world or the photography world. Michelle Parsley and the review team are very knowledgeable and encouraging. To date, this experience has been worth the effort, time, and investment."
Thank you, Kim, for sharing your artwork and assessment. Seeing you develop as an artist and have it translate to both worlds has been an absolute pleasure. Keep this one close by. I have a feeling several copies will be shared among family and friends. 😉
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