Learn from Michelle

Mary Jo Allen

This winsome painting was created by Beyond the Brushes member, Mary Jo Allen. Mary earned the Photographic Craftsman and Master of Photography degrees from the Professional Photographers of America. She also has a Bachelors of Science in Microbiology from Oregon State University.
In March 2020, Mary joined Beyond the Brushes with zero painting experience, saying she was too busy trying to make a living as a portrait photographer to find time to paint. But now she is retired, and it affords her the time to create and paint for self-pleasure rather than worrying about a client's response.
Though she has been able to push clients to the recesses of her mind, Mary also promised a client that she would work for her after they both retired. Well, that time is now, and this adorable pup is the photo the client brought her. She said the best part is how she can "look at an image and see the potential of what it can become and know that I have the knowledge and tools to make it happen."
When asked how Beyond the Brushes has affected her journey, Mary said...
"Beyond the Brushes is the most well thought out and organized way to learn that I have found. Keeping a bunch of artistic people going in the right direction is like herding cats, but Michelle does it with grace and humor. The best part of Beyond the Brushes has been when I create something that makes me smile."
Thank you, Mary, and trust me, this is definitely one you should be smiling about. What an adorable pup and an excellent portrait! It might be time to start considering coming out of retirement with a different twist on your business. 😉
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