Mary Katlin Davis
This remarkable painting was created by Beyond the Brush member, Mary Katlin Davis.
With an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, and a Bachelor of Arts in general studies and a minor in psychology, Mary joined the community in 2019 hoping to continue her education and "to learn more about the theory and practicum of digital painting." Before joining, she had no prior experience painting. She even mentioned that she tried to avoid picking up paintbrushes altogether because she was afraid.
Luckily, she got over that fear! After seeing the Photoshop paintings I was creating, Mary decided to give Beyond the Brushes a shot. And look at her now! This painting is absolutely stunning. 🙌
Mary said the best parts were getting to use a background she created and the time experimenting with male subjects. However, every painting has its challenges, and for this one, the beard and darker values proved to be more difficult in large due to her monitor. But she knocked it out of the park!
Finally, Mary provided some insight into what Beyond the Brushes has done for her and advice for future students...
"Beyond the Brushes is shaping me into a better photographer and artist. The lessons make me utilize the left side of my brain and push me to think outside of the box when it comes to digital imaging. The education is thorough and shapes the creator to really become a master of this craft. You can't cut corners, and honestly, I don't know why you would because the value of each lesson is irreplaceable."
Thank you, Mary, for sharing your experience and your artwork. I cannot express how happy I am that you overcame your fear and picked up a paintbrush. 😊
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