Learn from Michelle

Nancy Frakes

These attentive paintings were created by Beyond the Brushes member, Nancy Frakes. Nancy joined in October 2021 passionate about dog training, photographing her four wonderful dogs, and knitting. Now, she can add painting to the list too!
Don't think the acorn fell far from the tree though. Nancy is using her artistic abilities to add a whole new layer to her love for dogs, and you can see her tender love and care for them in each brushstroke.
You can learn more about this artist by clicking over to page 6 of the Fall 2023 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine! https://www.elevateyourart.com/elevate-your-art-magazine

You can learn more about her and this series of paintings by clicking over to page 16 of the Winter 2024 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine! https://www.elevateyourart.com/elevate-your-art-magazine
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