Stacy Zacharias
This gorgeous painting was created by Beyond the Brushes member, Stacy Zacharias. Stacy is a portrait photographer and a member of Professional Photographers of America. She is currently working on her Master's degree while also preparing for her second year of entering into the International Photographic Competition.
Though already an ambitious workload, Stacy was determined to learn more within her field and joined Beyond the Brushes as soon as membership opened in September 2019. She had been longing to learn to paint in Photoshop, and Beyond the Brushes turned out to be "exactly what I'd been looking for."
As a student of the arts, Stacy gained experience drawing and painting while attaining her Bachelor of Arts degree, but she felt like she had fallen dormant since her time away from school. Craving a creative outlet that limited the mess she could make lead her to Photoshop painting.
After dead ends with free tutorials on learning how to truly grasp the tools and techniques, Stacy landed on Beyond the Brushes. It wasn't until she started the Beyond the Brushes coursework that she was able to wrap her head around the mixer brush, and oh boy has she learned it! Just look at this stunning piece of work! 🙌
Oddly enough, actually getting the image was the hardest task in creating this painting. Stacy had created a boudoir promo and wanted a specific still frame to paint. Pausing at just the right time point proved to be more difficult than she had originally thought it would be. But she reaped the benefits of that exciting moment when you get to share the portrait with the subject matter. 😊 Arguably one of the best parts of every painting.
Thank you, Stacy, for sharing your path to Beyond the Brushes and the value you have gained from the community so far. I look forward to viewing many more of your paintings and seeing your submissions at IPC.
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