Sue Anderson
This bucolic painting was created by Beyond the Brushes member, Sue Anderson. Sue joined in May 2020 and has since found a renewed faith in herself...
"I love Beyond the Brushes because it has challenged me to go outside of the box of perfection, to blur the lines, to stir the emotions, to tantalize the imagination, to create beyond my wildest dreams. The tools, support, and overall teaching methods have allowed me the freedom to grow as an artist and as a person. Beyond the Brushes was an answered prayer."
You can learn more about this painting by clicking over to page 4 of the April 2022 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine!
You can learn more about her and this series of paintings by clicking over to pages 18-24 of the August 2022 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine!
You can learn more about her and this series of paintings by clicking over to pages 18-24 of the August 2022 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine!
You can learn more about her and this series of paintings by clicking over to pages 18-24 of the August 2022 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine!
You can learn more about her and this series of paintings by clicking over to pages 18-24 of the August 2022 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine!
You can learn more about her and this series of paintings by clicking over to pages 18-24 of the August 2022 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine!
You can learn more about this painting by clicking over to page 10 of the Winter 2023 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine!
You can learn more about this painting by clicking over to page 12 of the Fall 2023 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine!
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