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Wanda Ann Kinnaman

Older woman in pink
This revitalized painting was created by Beyond the Brushes member, Wanda Ann Kinnaman. Wanda joined back in 2020 with her Bachelor of Art in Studio Art and Masters in Art. Since then, she's been enthralled with the challenge of going beyond...
"I love Beyond the Brushes because it has challenged me to apply my knowledge of traditional media in the digital painting world in such a way that it still looks like traditional media. I am constantly learning and sometimes relearning things I had forgotten. But the greatest reason is that the personal satisfaction of creating a piece of art that speaks to others is priceless."
You can learn more about this painting by clicking over to page 10 of the October 2022 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine! https://www.elevateyourart.com/elevate-your-art-magazine

 You can learn more about this painting by clicking over to page 13 of the Spring 2023 edition of the Elevate Your Art magazine! https://www.elevateyourart.com/elevate-your-art-magazine
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